
The default view for a ClusterManager. Markers are animated in and out of clusters.


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constructor(context: Context, map: GoogleMap, clusterManager: ClusterManager<T>)


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open fun getCluster(marker: Marker): Cluster<T>
Get the Cluster from a marker
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open fun getClusterItem(marker: Marker): T
Get the ClusterItem from a marker
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open fun getClusterTextAppearance(clusterSize: Int): Int
Called to determine the text appearance of a cluster.
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open fun getColor(clusterSize: Int): Int
Called to determine the color of a Cluster.
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open fun getMarker(clusterItem: T): Marker
Get the marker from a ClusterItem
open fun getMarker(cluster: Cluster<T>): Marker
Get the marker from a Cluster
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Gets the minimum cluster size used to render clusters.
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open fun onAdd()
Called when the view is added.
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open fun onClustersChanged(clusters: Set<out Cluster<T>>)
Called when the view needs to be updated because new clusters need to be displayed.
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open fun onRemove()
Called when the view is removed.
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open fun setAnimation(animate: Boolean)
Called to set animation on or off
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open fun setAnimationDuration(animationDurationMs: Long)
Sets the length of the animation in milliseconds.
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open fun setMinClusterSize(minClusterSize: Int)
Sets the minimum cluster size used to render clusters.