
open class PolygonManager : MapObjectManager<O, C> , GoogleMap.OnPolygonClickListener

Keeps track of collections of polygons on the map. Delegates all Polygon-related events to each collection's individually managed listeners.

All polygon operations (adds and removes) should occur via its collection class. That is, don't add a polygon via a collection, then remove it via Polygon.remove()


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constructor(map: GoogleMap)


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open inner class Collection : MapObjectManager.Collection


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open fun getCollection(id: String): C
Gets a named collection that was created by newCollection
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open fun newCollection(id: String): C
Create a new named collection, which can later be looked up by getCollection
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open fun onPolygonClick(@NonNull polygon: Polygon)
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open fun remove(object: O): Boolean
Removes an object from its collection.