
open class BiMultiMap<K> : HashMap<K, V>

Extension of HashMap that provides two main features. Firstly it allows reverse lookup for a key given a value, by storing a second HashMap internally which maps values to keys. Secondly, it supports Collection values, in which case, each item in the collection is used as a key in the internal reverse HashMap. It's therefore up to the caller to ensure the overall set of values, and collection values, are unique.

Used by GeoJsonRenderer to store GeoJsonFeature instances mapped to corresponding Marker, Polyline, and Polygon map objects. We want to look these up in reverse to provide access to GeoJsonFeature instances when map objects are clicked.


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open fun clear()
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open fun clone(): BiMultiMap<K>
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open fun compute(key: K, remappingFunction: BiFunction<in K, in V, out V>): V
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open fun computeIfAbsent(key: K, mappingFunction: (in K) -> out V): V
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open fun computeIfPresent(key: K, remappingFunction: BiFunction<in K, in V, out V>): V
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open fun containsKey(key: Any): Boolean
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open fun containsValue(value: Any): Boolean
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open fun <K, V> copyOf(map: Map<out K, out V>): Map<K, V>
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open fun <K, V> entry(k: K, v: V): Map.Entry<K, V>
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open fun entrySet(): Set<Map.Entry<K, V>>
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open fun equals(o: Any): Boolean
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open fun forEach(action: BiConsumer<in K, in V>)
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open fun get(key: Any): V
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open fun getKey(value: Any): K
Reverse lookup of key by value.
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open fun getOrDefault(key: Any, defaultValue: V): V
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open fun hashCode(): Int
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open fun isEmpty(): Boolean
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open fun keySet(): Set<K>
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open fun merge(key: K, value: V, remappingFunction: BiFunction<in V, in V, out V>): V
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open fun <K, V> of(): Map<K, V>
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open fun <K, V> ofEntries(entries: Array<Map.Entry<out K, out V>>): Map<K, V>
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open fun put(key: K, value: Any): Any
open fun put(key: K, values: Collection): Any
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open fun putAll(map: Map<out K, out Any>)
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open fun putIfAbsent(key: K, value: V): V
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open fun remove(key: Any): Any
open fun remove(key: Any, value: Any): Boolean
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open fun replace(key: K, value: V): V
open fun replace(key: K, oldValue: V, newValue: V): Boolean
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open fun replaceAll(function: BiFunction<in K, in V, out V>)
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open fun size(): Int
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open fun toString(): String
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open fun values(): Collection<V>