
A GeoJsonFeature has a geometry, bounding box, id and set of properties. Styles are also stored in this class.


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constructor(geometry: Geometry, id: String, properties: HashMap<String, String>, boundingBox: LatLngBounds)
Creates a new GeoJsonFeature object


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open fun addObserver(o: Observer)
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open fun countObservers(): Int
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open fun deleteObservers()
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open fun getBoundingBox(): LatLngBounds
Gets the array containing the coordinates of the bounding box for the feature.
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open fun getGeometry(): Geometry
Gets the geometry object
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open fun getId(): String
Gets the id of the feature
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Returns the style used to render GeoJsonLineStrings
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open fun getMarkerOptions(): MarkerOptions
Gets a MarkerOptions object from mPointStyle containing styles for the GeoJsonPoint
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Returns the style used to render GeoJsonPoints
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open fun getPolygonOptions(): PolygonOptions
Gets a PolygonOptions object from mPolygonStyle containing styles for the GeoJsonPolygon
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Returns the style used to render GeoJsonPolygons
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open fun getPolylineOptions(): PolylineOptions
Gets a Polyline object from mLineStringStyle containing styles for the GeoJsonLineString
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Gets the property entry set
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open fun getProperty(property: String): String
Gets the value for a stored property
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Returns all the stored property keys
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open fun hasChanged(): Boolean
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open fun hasGeometry(): Boolean
Checks if the geometry is assigned
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Gets whether the placemark has properties
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open fun hasProperty(property: String): Boolean
Checks whether the given property key exists
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open fun notifyObservers()
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open fun removeProperty(property: String): String
Removes a given property
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open fun setGeometry(geometry: Geometry)
Sets the stored Geometry and redraws it on the layer if it has already been added
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open fun setLineStringStyle(lineStringStyle: GeoJsonLineStringStyle)
Sets the style used to render GeoJsonLineStrings
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open fun setPointStyle(pointStyle: GeoJsonPointStyle)
Sets the style used to render GeoJsonPoints
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open fun setPolygonStyle(polygonStyle: GeoJsonPolygonStyle)
Sets the style used to render GeoJsonPolygons
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open fun setProperty(property: String, propertyValue: String): String
Store a new property key and value
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open fun toString(): String
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open fun update(observable: Observable, data: Any)
Update is called if the developer modifies a style that is stored in this feature