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Computes a random color given an integer.
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Gets the balloon options
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Gets the scale for a marker icon
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Gets the url for the marker icon
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Gets a MarkerOption
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Gets a PolygonOption
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Gets a PolylineOption
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Gets the rotation of a marker in degrees clockwise about the marker's anchor
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Gets whether a BalloonStyle has been set
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Gets whether the Polygon outline is set
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Checks whether the color mode for a polyline is true / random
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Checks whether the color mode for a polygon is true / random
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Checks if a given style (for a marker, linestring or polygon) has been set
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Sets the width of the LineString in screen pixels
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Sets the hotspot / anchor point of a marker
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Sets the rotation / heading of the Point in degrees clockwise about the marker's anchor
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Sets the fill color of the Polygon as a 32-bit ARGB color
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Sets the stroke width of the Polygon in screen pixels