An abstraction that shares the common properties of KmlLayer and GeoJsonLayer
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interface OnFeatureClickListener
Callback interface for when a map object is clicked.
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Gets the default style used to render GeoJsonLineStrings.
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Gets the default style used to render GeoJsonPoints.
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Gets the default style used to render GeoJsonPolygons.
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Retrieves a corresponding Feature instance for the given Object Allows maps with multiple layers to determine which layer the Object belongs to.
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Gets an iterable of all Feature elements that have been added to the layer
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Checks if the current layer has been added to the map
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Removes all the data from the map and clears all the stored placemarks
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Sets a single click listener for the entire GoogleMap object, that will be called with the corresponding Feature object when an object on the map (Polygon, Marker, Polyline) is clicked.