Package-level declarations


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val Polygon.area: Double

The area of this Polygon on Earth in square meters.

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val Polygon.signedArea: Double

Computes the signed area under a closed path on Earth. The sign of the area may be used to determine the orientation of the path.

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The spherical length of this Polyline on Earth as measured in meters.


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inline operator fun LatLng.component1(): Double

Returns the LatLng.latitude of this LatLng.

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inline operator fun LatLng.component2(): Double

Returns the LatLng.longitude of this LatLng.

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inline fun LatLng.computeSphericalOffsetOrigin(distance: Double, heading: Double): LatLng?

Attempts to compute the origin LatLng from this LatLng where distance meters have been traveled with heading value heading.

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inline fun Polygon.contains(latLng: LatLng): Boolean

Computes whether or not latLng is contained within this Polygon.

inline fun Polyline.contains(latLng: LatLng, tolerance: Double = 0.1): Boolean

Computes where the given latLng is contained on or near this Polyline within a specified tolerance in meters.

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inline fun List<LatLng>.containsLocation(latLng: LatLng, geodesic: Boolean): Boolean

Computes whether the latLng lies inside this.

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inline fun List<LatLng>.isClosedPolygon(): Boolean

Checks whether or not this LatLng list is a closed Polygon.

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inline fun List<LatLng>.isLocationOnPath(latLng: LatLng, geodesic: Boolean, tolerance: Double = 0.1): Boolean

Computes whether the given latLng lies on or is near this polyline within tolerance (in meters).

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inline fun Polygon.isOnEdge(latLng: LatLng, tolerance: Double = 0.1): Boolean

Checks whether or not latLng lies on or is near the edge of this Polygon within a tolerance (in meters) of tolerance. The default value is PolyUtil.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE.

inline fun List<LatLng>.isOnEdge(latLng: LatLng, geodesic: Boolean, tolerance: Double = 0.1): Boolean

Checks whether or not latLng lies on or is near the edge of this polygon within the tolerance (in meters). The default value is PolyUtil.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE.

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inline fun List<LatLng>.latLngListEncode(): String

Encodes this LatLng list in a String using the Polyline Algorithm Format.

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inline fun List<LatLng>.simplify(tolerance: Double): List<LatLng>

Simplifies this list of LatLng using the Douglas-Peucker decimation. Increasing the value of tolerance will result in fewer points.

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inline fun LatLng.sphericalDistance(to: LatLng): Double

Computes the spherical distance between this LatLng and to.

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inline fun LatLng.sphericalHeading(toLatLng: LatLng): Double

Computes the heading from this LatLng to toLatLng.

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inline fun List<LatLng>.sphericalPathLength(): Double

Computes the length of this path on Earth.

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inline fun List<LatLng>.sphericalPolygonArea(): Double

Computes the area under a closed path on Earth.

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inline fun List<LatLng>.sphericalPolygonSignedArea(): Double

Computes the signed area under a closed path on Earth. The sign of the area may be used to determine the orientation of the path.

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inline fun String.toLatLngList(): List<LatLng>

Decodes this encoded string into a LatLng list.

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inline fun LatLng.withSphericalLinearInterpolation(to: LatLng, fraction: Double): LatLng

Returns an interpolated LatLng between this LatLng and to by the provided fractional value fraction.

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inline fun LatLng.withSphericalOffset(distance: Double, heading: Double): LatLng

Offsets this LatLng from the provided distance and heading and returns the result.