Package-level declarations
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Wraps PlacesClient.fetchPhoto in a suspending function.
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Wraps PlacesClient.fetchPlace in a suspending function.
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Wraps PlacesClient.findAutocompletePredictions in a suspending function.
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@RequiresPermission(anyOf = ["android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION", "android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" ] )
Wraps PlacesClient.findCurrentPlace in a suspending function.
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Wraps PlacesClient.isOpen in a suspending function with the given Place object.
Wraps PlacesClient.isOpen in a suspending function with the given placeId.
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Wraps PlacesClient.searchByText in a suspending function.
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fun fetchPhotoRequest(photoMetadata: PhotoMetadata, actions: FetchPhotoRequest.Builder.() -> Unit? = null): FetchPhotoRequest
Builds a new FetchPhotoRequest.
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fun fetchPlaceRequest(placeId: String, placeFields: List<Place.Field>, actions: FetchPlaceRequest.Builder.() -> Unit? = null): FetchPlaceRequest
Builds a new FetchPlaceRequest.
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inline fun findAutocompletePredictionsRequest(actions: FindAutocompletePredictionsRequest.Builder.() -> Unit): FindAutocompletePredictionsRequest
Builds a new FindAutocompletePredictionsRequest.
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fun findCurrentPlaceRequest(placeFields: List<Place.Field>, actions: FindCurrentPlaceRequest.Builder.() -> Unit? = null): FindCurrentPlaceRequest
Builds a new FindCurrentPlaceRequest.
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fun isOpenRequest(place: Place, utcTimeMillis: Long? = null, actions: IsOpenRequest.Builder.() -> Unit? = null): IsOpenRequest
fun isOpenRequest(placeId: String, utcTimeMillis: Long? = null, actions: IsOpenRequest.Builder.() -> Unit? = null): IsOpenRequest
Builds a new IsOpenRequest.
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fun searchByTextRequest(textQuery: String, placeFields: List<Place.Field>, actions: SearchByTextRequest.Builder.() -> Unit = {}): SearchByTextRequest
Builds a new SearchByTextRequest.
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fun SearchByTextRequest.Builder.setPriceLevels(vararg priceLevels: PriceLevel): SearchByTextRequest.Builder
fun SearchByTextRequest.Builder.setPriceLevels(priceLevels: Collection<PriceLevel>): SearchByTextRequest.Builder