A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U V W Z 


address(String) - Method in class com.google.maps.GeocodingApiRequest
Create a forward geocode for address.
AddressComponent - Class in com.google.maps.model
The parts of an address.
AddressComponent() - Constructor for class com.google.maps.model.AddressComponent
addressComponents - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.GeocodingResult
addressComponents is an array containing the separate address components.
AddressComponentType - Enum in com.google.maps.model
The Adress Component types.
AddressType - Enum in com.google.maps.model
The Adress types.
administrativeArea(String) - Static method in class com.google.maps.GeocodingApi.ComponentFilter
administrativeArea matches all the administrative area levels.
alternatives(boolean) - Method in class com.google.maps.DirectionsApiRequest
If set to true, specifies that the Directions service may provide more than one route alternative in the response.
ApiException - Exception in com.google.maps.errors
ApiException and it's descendants represent an error returned by the remote API.
ApiException(String) - Constructor for exception com.google.maps.errors.ApiException
arrivalTime(ReadableInstant) - Method in class com.google.maps.DirectionsApiRequest
Set the arrival time for a Transit directions request.
arrivalTime - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsLeg
arrivalTime contains the estimated time of arrival for this leg.
avoid(DirectionsApi.RouteRestriction...) - Method in class com.google.maps.DirectionsApiRequest
Indicates that the calculated route(s) should avoid the indicated features.
avoid(DirectionsApi.RouteRestriction) - Method in class com.google.maps.DistanceMatrixApiRequest
Introduces restrictions to the route.
await() - Method in interface com.google.maps.PendingResult
Performs the request synchronously.
awaitIgnoreError() - Method in interface com.google.maps.PendingResult
Performs the request synchronously, ignoring exceptions while performing the request and errors returned by the server.


bounds(LatLng, LatLng) - Method in class com.google.maps.GeocodingApiRequest
Set the bounding box of the viewport within which to bias geocode results more prominently.
Bounds - Class in com.google.maps.model
The north east and south west points that delineate the outer bounds of a map.
Bounds() - Constructor for class com.google.maps.model.Bounds
bounds - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsRoute
bounds contains the viewport bounding box of the overview_polyline.
bounds - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.Geometry
bounds (optionally returned) stores the bounding box which can fully contain the returned result.


cancel() - Method in interface com.google.maps.PendingResult
Attempt to cancel the request.
com.google.maps - package com.google.maps
com.google.maps.errors - package com.google.maps.errors
com.google.maps.model - package com.google.maps.model
components(GeocodingApi.ComponentFilter...) - Method in class com.google.maps.GeocodingApiRequest
Set the component filters.
copyrights - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsRoute
copyrights contains the copyrights text to be displayed for this route.
country(String) - Static method in class com.google.maps.GeocodingApi.ComponentFilter
country matches a country name or a two letter ISO 3166-1 country code.


decodePath() - Method in class com.google.maps.model.EncodedPolyline
departureTime(ReadableInstant) - Method in class com.google.maps.DirectionsApiRequest
Set the departure time for a Transit directions request.
departureTime(ReadableInstant) - Method in class com.google.maps.DistanceMatrixApiRequest
The departure time may be specified by Maps for Business customers for to specify the departure time to receive trip duration considering current traffic conditions.
departureTime - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsLeg
departureTime contains the estimated time of departure for this leg.
destination(String) - Method in class com.google.maps.DirectionsApiRequest
The address or textual latitude/longitude value from which you wish to calculate directions.
destination(LatLng) - Method in class com.google.maps.DirectionsApiRequest
The destination, as a latitude,longitude location.
destinationAddresses - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DistanceMatrix
destinationAddresses contains an array of addresses as returned by the API from your original request.
destinations(String...) - Method in class com.google.maps.DistanceMatrixApiRequest
One or more addresses to which to calculate distance and time.
destinations(LatLng...) - Method in class com.google.maps.DistanceMatrixApiRequest
One or more latitude/longitude values to which to calculate distance and time.
DirectionsApi - Class in com.google.maps
The Google Directions API is a service that calculates directions between locations using an HTTP request.
DirectionsApi.RouteRestriction - Enum in com.google.maps
Directions may be calculated that adhere to certain restrictions.
DirectionsApiRequest - Class in com.google.maps
Request for the Directions API.
DirectionsLeg - Class in com.google.maps.model
A component of a Directions API result.
DirectionsLeg() - Constructor for class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsLeg
DirectionsRoute - Class in com.google.maps.model
A Directions API result.
DirectionsRoute() - Constructor for class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsRoute
DirectionsStep - Class in com.google.maps.model
Each element in the steps of a DirectionsLeg defines a single step of the calculated directions.
DirectionsStep() - Constructor for class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsStep
distance - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsLeg
distance indicates the total distance covered by this leg.
distance - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsStep
distance contains the distance covered by this step until the next step.
Distance - Class in com.google.maps.model
The distance component for Directions API results.
Distance() - Constructor for class com.google.maps.model.Distance
distance - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DistanceMatrixElement
distance indicates the total distance covered by this leg.
DistanceMatrix - Class in com.google.maps.model
A complete result from a Distance Matrix API call.
DistanceMatrix(String[], String[], DistanceMatrixRow[]) - Constructor for class com.google.maps.model.DistanceMatrix
DistanceMatrixApi - Class in com.google.maps
The Google Distance Matrix API is a service that provides travel distance and time for a matrix of origins and destinations.
DistanceMatrixApiRequest - Class in com.google.maps
A request to the Distance Matrix API.
DistanceMatrixApiRequest(GeoApiContext) - Constructor for class com.google.maps.DistanceMatrixApiRequest
DistanceMatrixElement - Class in com.google.maps.model
A single result corresponding to a origin/destination pair in a Distance Matrix response.
DistanceMatrixElement() - Constructor for class com.google.maps.model.DistanceMatrixElement
DistanceMatrixElementStatus - Class in com.google.maps.model
The status result for a single DistanceMatrixElement.
DistanceMatrixRow - Class in com.google.maps.model
Represents a single row in a Distance Matrix API response.
DistanceMatrixRow() - Constructor for class com.google.maps.model.DistanceMatrixRow
duration - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsLeg
duration indicates the total duration of this leg
duration - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsStep
duration contains the typical time required to perform the step, until the next step.
duration - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DistanceMatrixElement
duration indicates the total duration of this leg
Duration - Class in com.google.maps.model
The duration component for Directions API results.
Duration() - Constructor for class com.google.maps.model.Duration
durationInTraffic - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsLeg
durationInTraffic indicates the total duration of this leg, taking into account current traffic conditions.


elements - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DistanceMatrixRow
elements contains the results for this row, or individual origin.
elevation - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.ElevationResult
ElevationApi - Class in com.google.maps
The Google Elevation API provides you a simple interface to query locations on the earth for elevation data.
ElevationResult - Class in com.google.maps.model
An Elevation API result.
ElevationResult() - Constructor for class com.google.maps.model.ElevationResult
EncodedPolyline - Class in com.google.maps.model
Encoded Polylines are used by the API to represent paths.
EncodedPolyline(String) - Constructor for class com.google.maps.model.EncodedPolyline
EncodedPolyline(List<LatLng>) - Constructor for class com.google.maps.model.EncodedPolyline
endAddress - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsLeg
endAddress contains the human-readable address (typically a street address) reflecting the end location of this leg.
endLocation - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsLeg
endLocation contains the latitude/longitude coordinates of the given destination of this leg.
endLocation - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsStep
endLocation contains the location of the last point of this step.


formattedAddress - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.GeocodingResult
formattedAddress is the human-readable address of this location.
from(String, String) - Static method in exception com.google.maps.errors.ApiException
Construct the appropriate ApiException from the response.


GeoApiContext - Class in com.google.maps
The entry point for making requests against the Google Geo APIs.
GeoApiContext() - Constructor for class com.google.maps.GeoApiContext
geocode(GeoApiContext, String) - Static method in class com.google.maps.GeocodingApi
Request the latitude and longitude of an address.
GeocodingApi - Class in com.google.maps
Geocoding is the process of converting addresses (like "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA") into geographic coordinates (like latitude 37.423021 and longitude -122.083739), which you can use to place markers or position the map.
GeocodingApi.ComponentFilter - Class in com.google.maps
This class represents a component filter for a geocode request.
GeocodingApiRequest - Class in com.google.maps
Request for the Geocoding API.
GeocodingApiRequest(GeoApiContext) - Constructor for class com.google.maps.GeocodingApiRequest
GeocodingResult - Class in com.google.maps.model
Result from a Geocoding API call.
GeocodingResult() - Constructor for class com.google.maps.model.GeocodingResult
geometry - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.GeocodingResult
geometry contains location information.
Geometry - Class in com.google.maps.model
The Geometry of a Geocoding Result.
Geometry() - Constructor for class com.google.maps.model.Geometry
getByPath(GeoApiContext, int, LatLng...) - Static method in class com.google.maps.ElevationApi
getByPath(GeoApiContext, int, EncodedPolyline) - Static method in class com.google.maps.ElevationApi
getByPoint(GeoApiContext, LatLng) - Static method in class com.google.maps.ElevationApi
Retrieve the elevation of a single point.
getByPoints(GeoApiContext, LatLng...) - Static method in class com.google.maps.ElevationApi
getByPoints(GeoApiContext, EncodedPolyline) - Static method in class com.google.maps.ElevationApi
Retrieve the elevations of an encoded polyline path.
getDirections(GeoApiContext, String, String) - Static method in class com.google.maps.DirectionsApi
getDistanceMatrix(GeoApiContext, String[], String[]) - Static method in class com.google.maps.DistanceMatrixApi
getEncodedPath() - Method in class com.google.maps.model.EncodedPolyline
getTimeZone(GeoApiContext, LatLng) - Static method in class com.google.maps.TimeZoneApi
Retrieve the TimeZone for the given location.


htmlInstructions - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsStep
htmlInstructions contains formatted instructions for this step, presented as an HTML text string.
humanReadable - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.Distance
This is the human friendly distance.
humanReadable - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.Duration
This is the human friendly duration.


inMeters - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.Distance
This is the numeric distance, always in meters.
inSeconds - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.Duration
This is the numeric duration, in seconds.
InvalidRequestException - Exception in com.google.maps.errors
Indicates that the API received a malformed request.
InvalidRequestException(String) - Constructor for exception com.google.maps.errors.InvalidRequestException


lat - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.LatLng
The latitude of this location.
latlng(LatLng) - Method in class com.google.maps.GeocodingApiRequest
Create a reverse geocode for latlng.
LatLng - Class in com.google.maps.model
A place on Earth, represented by a Latitude/Longitude pair.
LatLng(double, double) - Constructor for class com.google.maps.model.LatLng
Construct a location with a latitude longitude pair.
legs - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsRoute
legs contains information about a leg of the route, between two locations within the given route.
lng - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.LatLng
The longitude of this location.
locality(String) - Static method in class com.google.maps.GeocodingApi.ComponentFilter
locality matches against both locality and sublocality types.
location - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.ElevationResult
location - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.Geometry
location contains the geocoded latitude,longitude value.
locationType(LocationType...) - Method in class com.google.maps.GeocodingApiRequest
Set the location type.
locationType - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.Geometry
The level of certainty of this geocoding result.
LocationType - Enum in com.google.maps.model
Location types for a reverse geocoding request.
longName - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.AddressComponent
longName is the full text description or name of the address component as returned by the Geocoder.
lookup(String) - Static method in enum com.google.maps.model.AddressComponentType
lookup(String) - Static method in enum com.google.maps.model.AddressType
lookup(String) - Method in enum com.google.maps.model.LocationType
lookup(String) - Static method in enum com.google.maps.model.TravelMode


MaxElementsExceededException - Exception in com.google.maps.errors
Indicates that the product of origins and destinations exceeds the per-query limit.
MaxElementsExceededException(String) - Constructor for exception com.google.maps.errors.MaxElementsExceededException
mode(TravelMode) - Method in class com.google.maps.DirectionsApiRequest
Specifies the mode of transport to use when calculating directions.
mode(TravelMode) - Method in class com.google.maps.DistanceMatrixApiRequest
Specifies the mode of transport to use when calculating directions.


newRequest(GeoApiContext) - Static method in class com.google.maps.DirectionsApi
newRequest(GeoApiContext) - Static method in class com.google.maps.DistanceMatrixApi
newRequest(GeoApiContext) - Static method in class com.google.maps.GeocodingApi
create a new Geocoding API request.
northeast - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.Bounds
NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class com.google.maps.model.DistanceMatrixElementStatus
NOT_FOUND indicates that the origin and/or destination of this pairing could not be geocoded.
NotFoundException - Exception in com.google.maps.errors
Indicates at least one of the locations specified in the request's origin, destination, or waypoints could not be geocoded.
NotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception com.google.maps.errors.NotFoundException


OK - Static variable in class com.google.maps.model.DistanceMatrixElementStatus
OK indicates the response contains a valid result.
onFailure(Throwable) - Method in interface com.google.maps.PendingResult.Callback
Called when there was an error performing the request.
onResult(T) - Method in interface com.google.maps.PendingResult.Callback
Called when the request was successfully completed.
optimizeWaypoints(boolean) - Method in class com.google.maps.DirectionsApiRequest
Allow the Directions service to optimize the provided route by rearranging the waypoints in a more efficient order.
origin(String) - Method in class com.google.maps.DirectionsApiRequest
The address or textual latitude/longitude value from which you wish to calculate directions.
origin(LatLng) - Method in class com.google.maps.DirectionsApiRequest
The origin, as a latitude,longitude location.
originAddresses - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DistanceMatrix
originAddresses contains an array of addresses as returned by the API from your original request.
origins(String...) - Method in class com.google.maps.DistanceMatrixApiRequest
One or more addresses from which to calculate distance and time.
origins(LatLng...) - Method in class com.google.maps.DistanceMatrixApiRequest
One or more latitude/longitude values from which to calculate distance and time.
OverQueryLimitException - Exception in com.google.maps.errors
Indicates that the requesting account has exceeded quota.
OverQueryLimitException(String) - Constructor for exception com.google.maps.errors.OverQueryLimitException
overviewPolyline - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsRoute
overviewPolyline contains an object holding an array of encoded points that represent an approximate (smoothed) path of the resulting directions.


partialMatch - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.GeocodingResult
partialMatch indicates that the geocoder did not return an exact match for the original request, though it was able to match part of the requested address.
PendingResult<T> - Interface in com.google.maps
Represents a pending result from an API call.
PendingResult.Callback<T> - Interface in com.google.maps
The callback interface the API client code needs to implement to handle API results.
polyline - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsStep
polyline is the path of this step.
postalCode(String) - Static method in class com.google.maps.GeocodingApi.ComponentFilter
postalCode matches postal code and postal code prefix.
postcodeLocalities - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.GeocodingResult
postcodeLocalities is an array denoting all the localities contained in a postal code.


region(String) - Method in class com.google.maps.DirectionsApiRequest
region(String) - Method in class com.google.maps.GeocodingApiRequest
Set the region code, specified as a ccTLD ("top-level domain") two-character value.
RequestDeniedException - Exception in com.google.maps.errors
Indicates that the API denied the request.
RequestDeniedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.google.maps.errors.RequestDeniedException
resolution - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.ElevationResult
resultType(AddressType...) - Method in class com.google.maps.GeocodingApiRequest
Set the result type.
reverseGeocode(GeoApiContext, LatLng) - Static method in class com.google.maps.GeocodingApi
Request the street address of a location.
route(String) - Static method in class com.google.maps.GeocodingApi.ComponentFilter
route matches long or short name of a route.
rows - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DistanceMatrix
rows contains an array of elements, which in turn each contain a status, duration, and distance element.


setApiKey(String) - Method in class com.google.maps.GeoApiContext
setCallback(PendingResult.Callback<T>) - Method in interface com.google.maps.PendingResult
Performs the request asynchronously, calling onResult or onFailure after the request has been completed.
setConnectTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.google.maps.GeoApiContext
Sets the default connect timeout for new connections.
setEnterpriseCredentials(String, String) - Method in class com.google.maps.GeoApiContext
setQueryRateLimit(int) - Method in class com.google.maps.GeoApiContext
Sets the maximum number of queries that will be executed during a 1 second interval.
setQueryRateLimit(int, int) - Method in class com.google.maps.GeoApiContext
Sets the rate at which queries are executed.
setReadTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.google.maps.GeoApiContext
Sets the default read timeout for new connections.
setRetryTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.google.maps.GeoApiContext
Sets the time limit for which retry-able errors will be retried.
setWriteTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.google.maps.GeoApiContext
Sets the default write timeout for new connections.
shortName - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.AddressComponent
shortName is an abbreviated textual name for the address component, if available.
southwest - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.Bounds
startAddress - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsLeg
startAddress contains the human-readable address (typically a street address) reflecting the start location of this leg.
startLocation - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsLeg
startLocation contains the latitude/longitude coordinates of the origin of this leg.
startLocation - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsStep
startLocation contains the location of the starting point of this step.
status - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DistanceMatrixElement
status indicates the status of the request for this origin/destination pair.
steps - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsLeg
steps[] contains an array of steps denoting information about each separate step of the leg of the journey.
subSteps - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsStep
subSteps contains detailed directions for walking or driving steps in transit directions.
summary - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsRoute
summary contains a short textual description for the route, suitable for naming and disambiguating the route from alternatives.


TimeZoneApi - Class in com.google.maps
The Google Time Zone API provides a simple interface to request the time zone for a location on the earth.
toString() - Method in enum com.google.maps.DirectionsApi.RouteRestriction
toString() - Method in class com.google.maps.GeocodingApi.ComponentFilter
toString() - Method in enum com.google.maps.model.AddressComponentType
toString() - Method in enum com.google.maps.model.AddressType
toString() - Method in class com.google.maps.model.Distance
toString() - Method in class com.google.maps.model.Duration
toString() - Method in class com.google.maps.model.LatLng
toString() - Method in enum com.google.maps.model.TravelMode
toString() - Method in enum com.google.maps.model.Unit
travelMode - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsStep
travelMode is the travel mode of this step.
TravelMode - Enum in com.google.maps.model
You may specify the transportation mode to use for calulating directions.
types - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.AddressComponent
This indicates the type of each part of the address.
types - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.GeocodingResult
The types array indicates the type of the returned result.


Unit - Enum in com.google.maps.model
Units of measurement.
units(Unit) - Method in class com.google.maps.DirectionsApiRequest
Specifies the unit system to use when displaying results.
units(Unit) - Method in class com.google.maps.DistanceMatrixApiRequest
Specifies the unit system to use when expressing distance as text.
UnknownErrorException - Exception in com.google.maps.errors
Indicates that the server encountered an unknown error.
UnknownErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception com.google.maps.errors.UnknownErrorException


validateRequest() - Method in class com.google.maps.DirectionsApiRequest
validateRequest() - Method in class com.google.maps.DistanceMatrixApiRequest
validateRequest() - Method in class com.google.maps.GeocodingApiRequest
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.google.maps.DirectionsApi.RouteRestriction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.google.maps.model.AddressComponentType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.google.maps.model.AddressType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.google.maps.model.LocationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.google.maps.model.TravelMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.google.maps.model.Unit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.google.maps.DirectionsApi.RouteRestriction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.google.maps.model.AddressComponentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.google.maps.model.AddressType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.google.maps.model.LocationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.google.maps.model.TravelMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.google.maps.model.Unit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
viewport - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.Geometry
viewport contains the recommended viewport for displaying the returned result.


warnings - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsRoute
warnings contains an array of warnings to be displayed when showing these directions.
waypointOrder - Variable in class com.google.maps.model.DirectionsRoute
waypointOrder contains an array indicating the order of any waypoints in the calculated route.
waypoints(String...) - Method in class com.google.maps.DirectionsApiRequest
Specifies a list of waypoints.


ZERO_RESULTS - Static variable in class com.google.maps.model.DistanceMatrixElementStatus
ZERO_RESULTS indicates no route could be found between the origin and destination.
ZeroResultsException - Exception in com.google.maps.errors
Indicates that no results were returned.
ZeroResultsException(String) - Constructor for exception com.google.maps.errors.ZeroResultsException