byte[] imageData
java.lang.String contentType
java.lang.String longName
java.lang.String shortName
AddressComponentType[] types
java.lang.String description
java.lang.String placeId
java.lang.String[] types
Please see supported types for a list of types that can be returned.
AutocompletePrediction.Term[] terms
AutocompletePrediction.MatchedSubstring[] matchedSubstrings
AutocompleteStructuredFormatting structuredFormatting
java.lang.String mainText
AutocompletePrediction.MatchedSubstring[] mainTextMatchedSubstrings
java.lang.String secondaryText
java.lang.Integer cellId
java.lang.Integer locationAreaCode
java.lang.Integer mobileCountryCode
java.lang.Integer mobileNetworkCode
java.lang.Integer age
java.lang.Integer signalStrength
java.lang.Integer timingAdvance
DirectionsStep[] steps
Distance distance
Duration duration
Duration durationInTraffic
org.joda.time.DateTime arrivalTime
org.joda.time.DateTime departureTime
LatLng startLocation
LatLng endLocation
java.lang.String startAddress
java.lang.String endAddress
GeocodedWaypoint[] geocodedWaypoints
DirectionsRoute[] routes
java.lang.String summary
DirectionsLeg[] legs
int[] waypointOrder
within its waypoints
parameter.EncodedPolyline overviewPolyline
Bounds bounds
java.lang.String copyrights
Fare fare
java.lang.String[] warnings
java.lang.String htmlInstructions
Distance distance
java.lang.String maneuver
Duration duration
LatLng startLocation
LatLng endLocation
DirectionsStep[] steps
EncodedPolyline polyline
TravelMode travelMode
TransitDetails transitDetails
long inMeters
java.lang.String humanReadable
java.lang.String[] originAddresses
java.lang.String[] destinationAddresses
, these are localized if appropriate.DistanceMatrixRow[] rows
DistanceMatrixElementStatus status
Will be one of DistanceMatrixElementStatus
Duration duration
Duration durationInTraffic
Distance distance
indicates the total distance covered by this leg.Fare fare
contains information about the fare (that is, the ticket costs) on this route.DistanceMatrixElement[] elements
long inSeconds
java.lang.String humanReadable
double elevation
LatLng location
double resolution
java.lang.String points
java.util.Currency currency
java.math.BigDecimal value
.PlacesSearchResult[] candidates
GeocodedWaypointStatus geocoderStatus
boolean partialMatch
java.lang.String placeId
AddressType[] types
AddressComponent[] addressComponents
java.lang.String formattedAddress
Often this address is equivalent to the "postal address," which sometimes differs from country to country. (Note that some countries, such as the United Kingdom, do not allow distribution of true postal addresses due to licensing restrictions.) This address is generally composed of one or more address components. For example, the address "111 8th Avenue, New York, NY" contains separate address components for "111" (the street number, "8th Avenue" (the route), "New York" (the city) and "NY" (the US state). These address components contain additional information.
java.lang.String[] postcodeLocalities
Geometry geometry
AddressType[] types
boolean partialMatch
Partial matches most often occur for street addresses that do not exist within the locality you pass in the request. Partial matches may also be returned when a request matches two or more locations in the same locality. For example, "21 Henr St, Bristol, UK" will return a partial match for both Henry Street and Henrietta Street. Note that if a request includes a misspelled address component, the geocoding service may suggest an alternate address. Suggestions triggered in this way will not be marked as a partial match.
java.lang.String placeId
java.lang.Integer homeMobileCountryCode
java.lang.Integer homeMobileNetworkCode
java.lang.String radioType
, "gsm"
, "cdma"
, and
. While this field is optional, it should be included if a value is available,
for more accurate carrier
java.lang.Boolean considerIp
CellTower[] cellTowers
.WifiAccessPoint[] wifiAccessPoints
.LatLng location
double accuracy
.Bounds bounds
LatLng location
LocationType locationType
Bounds viewport
double lat
double lng
java.lang.Boolean openNow
Note: this field will be null if it isn't present in the response.
OpeningHours.Period[] periods
java.lang.String[] weekdayText
"Monday: 8:30 am – 5:30 pm"
.java.lang.Boolean permanentlyClosed
Note: this field will be null if it isn't present in the response.
OpeningHours.Period.OpenClose open
OpeningHours.Period.OpenClose close
OpeningHours.Period.OpenClose.DayOfWeek day
org.joda.time.LocalTime time
java.lang.String photoReference
int height
int width
java.lang.String[] htmlAttributions
AddressComponent[] addressComponents
java.lang.String formattedAddress
java.lang.String formattedPhoneNumber
Geometry geometry icon
java.lang.String internationalPhoneNumber
java.lang.String name
OpeningHours openingHours
Photo[] photos
java.lang.String placeId
PlaceIdScope scope
boolean permanentlyClosed
PlaceDetails.AlternatePlaceIds[] altIds
PriceLevel priceLevel
float rating
PlaceDetails.Review[] reviews
java.lang.String[] types url
int utcOffset
java.lang.String vicinity website
java.lang.String[] htmlAttributions
java.lang.String placeId
PlaceIdScope scope
PlaceDetails.Review.AspectRating[] aspects
Note: this is a Premium Data field available to the Google Places API for Work customers.
java.lang.String authorName authorUrl
java.lang.String language
int rating
java.lang.String text
org.joda.time.Instant time
PlaceDetails.Review.AspectRating.RatingType type
int rating
PlacesSearchResult[] results
java.lang.String[] htmlAttributions
java.lang.String nextPageToken
Note: There is a short delay between when this response is issued, and when nextPageToken will become valid to execute.
java.lang.String formattedAddress
Geometry geometry
java.lang.String name icon
java.lang.String placeId
PlaceIdScope scope
float rating
java.lang.String[] types
OpeningHours openingHours
Photo[] photos
java.lang.String vicinity
boolean permanentlyClosed
int width
int height
LatLng location
int originalIndex
A point that was not on the original path, or when interpolate=false, will have an originalIndex of -1.
java.lang.String placeId
SpeedLimit[] speedLimits
SnappedPoint[] snappedPoints
java.lang.String placeId
double speedLimit
To obtain the speed in miles per hour, use SpeedLimit.speedLimitMph()
java.lang.String name
"Union Square"
.LatLng location
java.lang.String name
java.lang.String url
java.lang.String phone
StopDetails arrivalStop
StopDetails departureStop
org.joda.time.DateTime arrivalTime
org.joda.time.DateTime departureTime
java.lang.String headsign
long headway
int numStops
will equal 3.TransitLine line
java.lang.String name
"7 Avenue Express"
.java.lang.String shortName
or "355"
.java.lang.String color
.TransitAgency[] agencies
java.lang.String url
java.lang.String icon
java.lang.String textColor
.Vehicle vehicle
java.lang.String name
.VehicleType type
documentation for a complete list of supported icon
java.lang.String localIcon
java.lang.String macAddress
(colon) and hex
digits must use signalStrength
java.lang.Integer age
java.lang.Integer channel
java.lang.Integer signalToNoiseRatio