The Marker class.

Type Parameters

  • TUserData = unknown

    Can be used to specify a type for the data specified in Marker.setData and available in dynamic attribute callbacks.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



attributeDefaults_: Partial<Attributes<TUserData>> = {}

Attributes set by inheriting classes. These are applied at a lower precedence than the values in attributes_ and allow inheriting classes to provide values that can be overridden by the user and restored to their original value.

backgroundColor?: AttributeValue<TUserData, string>

The background-color for the marker pin. Can be specified in any format supported by CSS.

borderColor?: AttributeValue<TUserData, string>

The border-color for the marker pin. Can be specified in any format supported by CSS.

classList?: AttributeValue<TUserData, string | string[]>

A single classname or list of class names to be added to the content element.

The collision behavior controls how the marker interacts with other markers and labels on the map. See CollisionBehavior for more information.

color?: AttributeValue<TUserData, string>

The color of the marker. Can be specified in any format supported by CSS.

This is a shorthand property to set a default value for the three color-values (backgroundColor, borderColor and glyphColor) to matching colors.

The backgroundColor will be set to the specified color, the border-color will be a darkened vertsion of the color and the glyph-color is set based on the brightness of the specified color to either a darkened or lightened version.

content?: AttributeValue<TUserData, HTMLElement>

The content to replace the default pin. The specified html-element will be rendered instead of the default pin.

The content element you provide here will have access to the style-properties of the marker (colors and scale) via css custom properties (e.g. color: var(--marker-glyph-color, white)).

draggable?: AttributeValue<TUserData, boolean>

Flag to enable draggable markers. When using draggable markers, the position-attribute of the marker will not be automatically updated. You have to listen to the dragstart, drag and dragend events and update the position accordingly.

glyph?: AttributeValue<TUserData, string | Element | URL>

The glyph to be shown inside the marker-pin. This can be a single letter or number, a dom-element or a URL-object pointing to an image file.

glyphColor?: AttributeValue<TUserData, string>

The color of the glyph within the marker pin. Can be specified in any format supported by CSS.

icon?: AttributeValue<TUserData, string>

The id of an icon to be fetched via the icons.IconProvider. The resulting icon will be shown

The position of the marker on the map.

scale?: AttributeValue<TUserData, number>

The scale of the marker as a multiple of the original scale.

title?: AttributeValue<TUserData, string>

The title of the marker element. Will be shown in the browsers default tooltip and should be provided for accessibility reasons.

zIndex?: AttributeValue<TUserData, number>

Defines the z-ordering for the marker and is used to compute the priority for collision handling. See the official documentation for more information.


  • get map(): null | Map

    Stores the map-instance. The map will be passed on to the AdvancedMarkerElement in performUpdate().

    Returns null | Map

  • set map(map: null | Map): void


    • map: null | Map

    Returns void


  • Adds an event-listener to this marker. The internal events (click and dragging events) are attached to the marker instance using the Google Maps event system, while any dom-events will be added to the marker-element itself.

    Type Parameters

    • K extends keyof GoogleMapsAMVEventMap


    • eventName: K

      'click', 'dragstart', 'dragend', 'drag' or any DOM event-name.

    • handler: (ev: GoogleMapsAMVEventMap[K]) => void

    Returns MapsEventListener

  • Adds an event-listener to this marker. The internal events (click and dragging events) are attached to the marker instance using the Google Maps event system, while any dom-events will be added to the marker-element itself.

    Type Parameters

    • K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap


    • eventName: K

      'click', 'dragstart', 'dragend', 'drag' or any DOM event-name.

    • handler: (ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => void

    Returns MapsEventListener

  • Internal

    Retrieve the parameters to be passed to dynamic attribute callbacks. This method is part of the internal API used by the ComputedMarkerAttributes.

    Returns { data: null | TUserData; map: MapState; marker: MarkerState }

  • Schedules an update of the marker, writing all attribute values to the underlying advanced marker objects. Calling this manually should not be needed.

    Returns void

  • Registers a new icon provider that resolves the value of the icon-attribute to something that can be used as glyph. When multiple providers are used, you can additionally provide a namespace for the icons.

    For example:

    marker.icon = 'star'; // requests the 'star' icon from the 'default' provider
    marker.icon = 'other:star'; // requests the icon from the 'other' provider


    Returns void