Composable rendering the content passed as a marker.
This composable must have a non-zero size in both dimensions
unique keys representing the state of this Marker. Any changes to one of the key will trigger a rendering of the content composable and thus the rendering of an updated marker.
the MarkerState to be used to control or observe the marker state such as its position and info window
the content description for accessibility purposes
the alpha (opacity) of the marker
the anchor for the marker image
sets the draggability for the marker
sets if the marker should be flat against the map
the anchor point of the info window on the marker image
the rotation of the marker in degrees clockwise about the marker's anchor point
the snippet for the marker
optional tag to associate with the marker
the title for the marker
the visibility of the marker
the z-index of the marker
a lambda invoked when the marker is clicked
a lambda invoked when the marker's info window is clicked
a lambda invoked when the marker's info window is closed
a lambda invoked when the marker's info window is long clicked
composable lambda expression used to customize the marker's content
if the composable is measured to have a size of zero in either dimension