Package-level declarations


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Enumerates the different reasons why the map camera started to move.

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A state object that can be hoisted to control and observe the map's camera state. A CameraPositionState may only be used by a single GoogleMap composable at a time as it reflects instance state for a single view of a map.

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Enum representing a 1-1 mapping to

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Default implementation of IndoorStateChangeListener with no-op implementations.

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An annotation that can be used to mark a composable function as being expected to be use in a composable function that is also marked or inferred to be marked as a GoogleMapComposable.

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typealias GoogleMapFactory = @Composable () -> Unit
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The position of a GroundOverlay.

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Interface definition for building indoor level state changes.

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class MapProperties(val isBuildingEnabled: Boolean = false, val isIndoorEnabled: Boolean = false, val isMyLocationEnabled: Boolean = false, val isTrafficEnabled: Boolean = false, val latLngBoundsForCameraTarget: LatLngBounds? = null, val mapStyleOptions: MapStyleOptions? = null, val mapType: MapType = MapType.NORMAL, val maxZoomPreference: Float = 21.0f, val minZoomPreference: Float = 3.0f)

Data class for properties that can be modified on the map.

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Marks declarations that are still experimental.

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Enumerates the different types of map tiles.

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class MapUiSettings(val compassEnabled: Boolean = true, val indoorLevelPickerEnabled: Boolean = true, val mapToolbarEnabled: Boolean = true, val myLocationButtonEnabled: Boolean = true, val rotationGesturesEnabled: Boolean = true, val scrollGesturesEnabled: Boolean = true, val scrollGesturesEnabledDuringRotateOrZoom: Boolean = true, val tiltGesturesEnabled: Boolean = true, val zoomControlsEnabled: Boolean = true, val zoomGesturesEnabled: Boolean = true)

Data class for UI-related settings on the map.

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A state object that can be hoisted to control and observe the marker state.

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A state object that can be hoisted to control the state of a TileOverlay. A TileOverlayState may only be used by a single TileOverlay composable at a time.


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Default map content padding does not pad.

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Equivalent to MapProperties with default values.

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Default settings are all enabled.


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fun AdvancedMarker(state: MarkerState = rememberMarkerState(), contentDescription: String? = "", alpha: Float = 1.0f, anchor: Offset = Offset(0.5f, 1.0f), draggable: Boolean = false, flat: Boolean = false, infoWindowAnchor: Offset = Offset(0.5f, 0.0f), rotation: Float = 0.0f, snippet: String? = null, tag: Any? = null, title: String? = null, visible: Boolean = true, zIndex: Float = 0.0f, onClick: (Marker) -> Boolean = { false }, onInfoWindowClick: (Marker) -> Unit = {}, onInfoWindowClose: (Marker) -> Unit = {}, onInfoWindowLongClick: (Marker) -> Unit = {}, pinConfig: PinConfig? = null, iconView: View? = null, collisionBehavior: Int = AdvancedMarkerOptions.CollisionBehavior.REQUIRED)

A composable for an advanced marker on the map.

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fun Circle(center: LatLng, clickable: Boolean = false, fillColor: Color = Color.Black, radius: Double = 10.0, strokeColor: Color = Color.Black, strokePattern: List<PatternItem>? = null, strokeWidth: Float = 10.0f, tag: Any? = null, visible: Boolean = true, zIndex: Float = 0.0f, onClick: (Circle) -> Unit = {})

A composable for a circle on the map.

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fun GoogleMap(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, mergeDescendants: Boolean = false, cameraPositionState: CameraPositionState = rememberCameraPositionState(), contentDescription: String? = null, googleMapOptionsFactory: () -> GoogleMapOptions = { GoogleMapOptions() }, properties: MapProperties = DefaultMapProperties, locationSource: LocationSource? = null, uiSettings: MapUiSettings = DefaultMapUiSettings, indoorStateChangeListener: IndoorStateChangeListener = DefaultIndoorStateChangeListener, onMapClick: (LatLng) -> Unit? = null, onMapLongClick: (LatLng) -> Unit? = null, onMapLoaded: () -> Unit? = null, onMyLocationButtonClick: () -> Boolean? = null, onMyLocationClick: (Location) -> Unit? = null, onPOIClick: (PointOfInterest) -> Unit? = null, contentPadding: PaddingValues = DefaultMapContentPadding, mapColorScheme: ComposeMapColorScheme? = null, content: @Composable () -> Unit = {})

A compose container for a MapView.

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fun googleMapFactory(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, cameraPositionState: CameraPositionState = rememberCameraPositionState(), onMapLoaded: () -> Unit = {}, content: @Composable () -> Unit = {}): GoogleMapFactory

This method provides a factory pattern for GoogleMap. It can typically be used in tests to provide a default Composable of type GoogleMapFactory.

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fun GroundOverlay(position: GroundOverlayPosition, image: BitmapDescriptor, anchor: Offset = Offset(0.5f, 0.5f), bearing: Float = 0.0f, clickable: Boolean = false, tag: Any? = null, transparency: Float = 0.0f, visible: Boolean = true, zIndex: Float = 0.0f, onClick: (GroundOverlay) -> Unit = {})

A composable for a ground overlay on the map.

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fun InputHandler(onCircleClick: (Circle) -> Unit? = null, onGroundOverlayClick: (GroundOverlay) -> Unit? = null, onPolygonClick: (Polygon) -> Unit? = null, onPolylineClick: (Polyline) -> Unit? = null, onMarkerClick: (Marker) -> Boolean? = null, onInfoWindowClick: (Marker) -> Unit? = null, onInfoWindowClose: (Marker) -> Unit? = null, onInfoWindowLongClick: (Marker) -> Unit? = null, onMarkerDrag: (Marker) -> Unit? = null, onMarkerDragEnd: (Marker) -> Unit? = null, onMarkerDragStart: (Marker) -> Unit? = null)

A generic handler for map input. Non-null lambdas will be invoked if no other node was able to handle that input. For example, if OnMarkerClickListener.onMarkerClick was invoked and no matching MarkerNode was found, this onMarkerClick will be invoked.

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fun MapEffect(key1: Any?, block: suspend CoroutineScope.(GoogleMap) -> Unit)

A side-effect backed by a LaunchedEffect which will launch block and provide the underlying managed GoogleMap object into the composition's CoroutineContext. This effect will be re-launched when a different key1 is provided.

fun MapEffect(vararg keys: Any?, block: suspend CoroutineScope.(GoogleMap) -> Unit)

A side-effect backed by a LaunchedEffect which will launch block and provide the underlying managed GoogleMap object into the composition's CoroutineContext. This effect will be re-launched with any different keys.

fun MapEffect(key1: Any?, key2: Any?, block: suspend CoroutineScope.(GoogleMap) -> Unit)

A side-effect backed by a LaunchedEffect which will launch block and provide the underlying managed GoogleMap object into the composition's CoroutineContext. This effect will be re-launched when a different key1 or key2 is provided.

fun MapEffect(key1: Any?, key2: Any?, key3: Any?, block: suspend CoroutineScope.(GoogleMap) -> Unit)

A side-effect backed by a LaunchedEffect which will launch block and provide the underlying managed GoogleMap object into the composition's CoroutineContext. This effect will be re-launched when a different key1, key2, or key3 is provided.

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fun Marker(state: MarkerState = rememberMarkerState(), contentDescription: String? = "", alpha: Float = 1.0f, anchor: Offset = Offset(0.5f, 1.0f), draggable: Boolean = false, flat: Boolean = false, icon: BitmapDescriptor? = null, infoWindowAnchor: Offset = Offset(0.5f, 0.0f), rotation: Float = 0.0f, snippet: String? = null, tag: Any? = null, title: String? = null, visible: Boolean = true, zIndex: Float = 0.0f, onClick: (Marker) -> Boolean = { false }, onInfoWindowClick: (Marker) -> Unit = {}, onInfoWindowClose: (Marker) -> Unit = {}, onInfoWindowLongClick: (Marker) -> Unit = {})

A composable for a marker on the map.

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fun MarkerComposable(vararg keys: Any, state: MarkerState = rememberMarkerState(), contentDescription: String? = "", alpha: Float = 1.0f, anchor: Offset = Offset(0.5f, 1.0f), draggable: Boolean = false, flat: Boolean = false, infoWindowAnchor: Offset = Offset(0.5f, 0.0f), rotation: Float = 0.0f, snippet: String? = null, tag: Any? = null, title: String? = null, visible: Boolean = true, zIndex: Float = 0.0f, onClick: (Marker) -> Boolean = { false }, onInfoWindowClick: (Marker) -> Unit = {}, onInfoWindowClose: (Marker) -> Unit = {}, onInfoWindowLongClick: (Marker) -> Unit = {}, content: @Composable () -> Unit)

Composable rendering the content passed as a marker.

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fun MarkerInfoWindow(state: MarkerState = rememberMarkerState(), alpha: Float = 1.0f, anchor: Offset = Offset(0.5f, 1.0f), draggable: Boolean = false, flat: Boolean = false, icon: BitmapDescriptor? = null, infoWindowAnchor: Offset = Offset(0.5f, 0.0f), rotation: Float = 0.0f, snippet: String? = null, tag: Any? = null, title: String? = null, visible: Boolean = true, zIndex: Float = 0.0f, onClick: (Marker) -> Boolean = { false }, onInfoWindowClick: (Marker) -> Unit = {}, onInfoWindowClose: (Marker) -> Unit = {}, onInfoWindowLongClick: (Marker) -> Unit = {}, content: @Composable (Marker) -> Unit? = null)

A composable for a marker on the map wherein its entire info window can be customized. If this customization is not required, use

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fun MarkerInfoWindowComposable(vararg keys: Any, state: MarkerState = rememberMarkerState(), alpha: Float = 1.0f, anchor: Offset = Offset(0.5f, 1.0f), draggable: Boolean = false, flat: Boolean = false, infoWindowAnchor: Offset = Offset(0.5f, 0.0f), rotation: Float = 0.0f, snippet: String? = null, tag: Any? = null, title: String? = null, visible: Boolean = true, zIndex: Float = 0.0f, onClick: (Marker) -> Boolean = { false }, onInfoWindowClick: (Marker) -> Unit = {}, onInfoWindowClose: (Marker) -> Unit = {}, onInfoWindowLongClick: (Marker) -> Unit = {}, infoContent: @Composable (Marker) -> Unit? = null, content: @Composable () -> Unit)

A composable for a marker on the map wherein its entire info window and the marker itself can be customized. If this customization is not required, use

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fun MarkerInfoWindowContent(state: MarkerState = rememberMarkerState(), alpha: Float = 1.0f, anchor: Offset = Offset(0.5f, 1.0f), draggable: Boolean = false, flat: Boolean = false, icon: BitmapDescriptor? = null, infoWindowAnchor: Offset = Offset(0.5f, 0.0f), rotation: Float = 0.0f, snippet: String? = null, tag: Any? = null, title: String? = null, visible: Boolean = true, zIndex: Float = 0.0f, onClick: (Marker) -> Boolean = { false }, onInfoWindowClick: (Marker) -> Unit = {}, onInfoWindowClose: (Marker) -> Unit = {}, onInfoWindowLongClick: (Marker) -> Unit = {}, content: @Composable (Marker) -> Unit? = null)

A composable for a marker on the map wherein its info window contents can be customized. If this customization is not required, use

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fun Polygon(points: List<LatLng>, clickable: Boolean = false, fillColor: Color = Color.Black, geodesic: Boolean = false, holes: List<List<LatLng>> = emptyList(), strokeColor: Color = Color.Black, strokeJointType: Int = JointType.DEFAULT, strokePattern: List<PatternItem>? = null, strokeWidth: Float = 10.0f, tag: Any? = null, visible: Boolean = true, zIndex: Float = 0.0f, onClick: (Polygon) -> Unit = {})

A composable for a polygon on the map.

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fun Polyline(points: List<LatLng>, clickable: Boolean = false, color: Color = Color.Black, endCap: Cap = ButtCap(), geodesic: Boolean = false, jointType: Int = JointType.DEFAULT, pattern: List<PatternItem>? = null, startCap: Cap = ButtCap(), tag: Any? = null, visible: Boolean = true, width: Float = 10.0f, zIndex: Float = 0.0f, onClick: (Polyline) -> Unit = {})

A composable for a polyline on the map.

fun Polyline(points: List<LatLng>, spans: List<StyleSpan>, clickable: Boolean = false, endCap: Cap = ButtCap(), geodesic: Boolean = false, jointType: Int = JointType.DEFAULT, pattern: List<PatternItem>? = null, startCap: Cap = ButtCap(), tag: Any? = null, visible: Boolean = true, width: Float = 10.0f, zIndex: Float = 0.0f, onClick: (Polyline) -> Unit = {})

A composable for a polyline on the map that supports a StyleSpan.

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inline fun rememberCameraPositionState(key: String? = null, crossinline init: CameraPositionState.() -> Unit = {}): CameraPositionState

Create and rememberSaveable a CameraPositionState using CameraPositionState.Saver. init will be called when the CameraPositionState is first created to configure its initial state.

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fun rememberMarkerState(key: String? = null, position: LatLng = LatLng(0.0, 0.0)): MarkerState

Uses rememberSaveable to retain MarkerState.position across configuration changes, for simple use cases.

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Returns a lambda that, when invoked, will reattach click listeners set by the MapApplier on the GoogleMap. Used for working around other functionality that modifies those click listeners, such as clustering.

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fun rememberUpdatedMarkerState(position: LatLng = LatLng(0.0, 0.0)): MarkerState

This function updates the state value according to the update of the input parameter, like 'rememberUpdatedState'.

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fun TileOverlay(tileProvider: TileProvider, state: TileOverlayState = rememberTileOverlayState(), fadeIn: Boolean = true, transparency: Float = 0.0f, visible: Boolean = true, zIndex: Float = 0.0f, onClick: (TileOverlay) -> Unit = {})

A composable for a tile overlay on the map.