
open class Renderer

An abstraction that shares the common properties of KmlRenderer and GeoJsonRenderer



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constructor(map: GoogleMap, context: Context, markerManager: MarkerManager, polygonManager: PolygonManager, polylineManager: PolylineManager, groundOverlayManager: GroundOverlayManager, @Nullable imagesCache: Renderer.ImagesCache)
Creates a new Renderer object for KML features
constructor(map: GoogleMap, features: HashMap<out Feature, Any>, markerManager: MarkerManager, polygonManager: PolygonManager, polylineManager: PolylineManager, groundOverlayManager: GroundOverlayManager)
Creates a new Renderer object for GeoJSON features


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open fun assignStyleMap(styleMap: HashMap<String, String>, styles: HashMap<String, KmlStyle>)
Iterates through a list of styles and assigns a style
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open fun getFeatures(): Set<Feature>
Gets a set containing Features
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open fun getGroundOverlayMap(): HashMap<KmlGroundOverlay, GroundOverlay>
Gets the ground overlays on the current layer
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open fun getMap(): GoogleMap
Gets the GoogleMap that Feature objects are being placed on
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open fun getValues(): Collection<Any>
getValues is called to retrieve the values stored in the mFeatures hashmap.
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open fun isLayerOnMap(): Boolean
Checks if layer has been added to map
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open fun setMap(map: GoogleMap)
Sets the map that objects are being placed on