Enumeration GeocodingAddressComponentType

Enumeration Members

bus_station: "bus_station"

indicate the location of a bus.

establishment: "establishment"

typically indicates a place that has not yet been categorized.

floor: "floor"

indicates the floor of a building address.

parking: "parking"

indicates a parking lot or parking structure.

point_of_interest: "point_of_interest"

indicates a named point of interest.

post_box: "post_box"

indicates a specific postal box.

postal_town: "postal_town"

indicates a grouping of geographic areas, such as locality and sublocality, used for mailing addresses in some countries.

room: "room"

indicates the room of a building address.

street_number: "street_number"

indicates the precise street number.

train_station: "train_station"

indicate the location of a train.

transit_station: "transit_station"

indicate the location of a public transit stop.