interface GeocodeResponseData {
    error_message: string;
    html_attributions?: string[];
    next_page_token?: string;
    results: GeocodeResult[];
    status: Status;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


error_message: string

When the top-level status code is other than OK, this field contains more detailed information about the reasons behind the given status code.

html_attributions?: string[]

may contain a set of attributions about this listing which must be displayed to the user (some listings may not have attribution).

next_page_token?: string

contains a token that can be used to return up to 20 additional results. A next_page_token will not be returned if there are no additional results to display. The maximum number of results that can be returned is 60. There is a short delay between when a next_page_token is issued, and when it will become valid.

results: GeocodeResult[]

contains an array of geocoded address information and geometry information.

Generally, only one entry in the "results" array is returned for address lookups,though the geocoder may return several results when address queries are ambiguous.

status: Status

contains metadata on the request. See Status Codes below.