interface PlacePhotoRequest {
    params: {
        maxheight?: number;
        maxwidth?: number;
        photoreference: string;
    } & RequestParams;
    responseType: "stream"
    | "arraybuffer"
    | "blob";


  • Partial<AxiosRequestConfig>
    • PlacePhotoRequest



params: { maxheight?: number; maxwidth?: number; photoreference: string } & RequestParams

Type declaration

  • Optionalmaxheight?: number

    Specifies the maximum desired height or width, in pixels, of the image returned by the Place Photos service. If the image is smaller than the values specified, the original image will be returned. If the image is larger in either dimension, it will be scaled to match the smaller of the two dimensions, restricted to its original aspect ratio. Both the maxheight and maxwidth properties accept an integer between 1 and 1600.

  • Optionalmaxwidth?: number

    Specifies the maximum desired height or width, in pixels, of the image returned by the Place Photos service. If the image is smaller than the values specified, the original image will be returned. If the image is larger in either dimension, it will be scaled to match the smaller of the two dimensions, restricted to its original aspect ratio. Both the maxheight and maxwidth properties accept an integer between 1 and 1600.

  • photoreference: string

    string identifier that uniquely identifies a photo. Photo references are returned from either a Place Search or Place Details request.

responseType: "stream" | "arraybuffer" | "blob"